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Learning Japanese with Duolingo

Ach ja, if you tell me to use Anki, I will rip your fucking throat out I am not sure if this post will ever see the light of day o...

7227 Words | October 15, 2024

KonoSuba LN: Band 5

Ach ja, ein weiterer Band, ein weiterer Artikel für den Blog, wobei dieser eher allein der Vollständigkeit dienen wird. Ob meine V...

2823 Words | October 2, 2024

Sexiled: The Limits of Revenge

Ach ja, I just recently finished reading the two volumes of Sexiled: My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out, So I Teamed Up with a M...

2338 Words | August 12, 2024

Welcome to the N.H.K.: Adaptation as Extension

Ach ja, as always, let’s start with some useless side remarks. Welcome to the N.H.K. is one of those series I always had on ...

2306 Words | July 29, 2024

Seasonal Anime Wrap-Up: Spring 2024

Ach ja, apparently, this is a thing I will be doing now. Fear not, I will never stop yapping about anime. Unlike last season, this...

4007 Words | June 30, 2024

Wie man einen Song für UltraStar Deluxe erstellt (Updated)

Dies ist die deutsche Version des Tutorials, welche auf Nachfrage erstellt wurde. Das ursprüngliche englische Tutorial befindet si...

3846 Words | June 10, 2024

Seasonal Anime Wrap-Up: Winter 2024

Ach ja, after having only watched a, compared to the following seasons, meager amount of three anime airing in Fall 2023, it was t...

3132 Words | May 28, 2024

Still thinking about Episode 7 of Gushing over Magical Girls

Ach ja, it is so Mahou Shoujover. Gushing over Magical Girls was one of my favorite anime of the winter season and despite a lot o...

1342 Words | May 24, 2024

KonoSuba LN: Bände 3-4

Ach ja, ich weiß nicht ganz warum, aber nachdem ich den Glauben daran endgültig bereits irgendwo Mitte letzten Jahres verloren hab...

3259 Words | May 20, 2024

Drawing Yukari Akiyama every day for a hundred days

Ach ja, as already teased in my previous drawing endeavor, the next character I would attempt to be drawing on a consistent basis ...

2894 Words | April 10, 2024