
Aria of a Starless Night: The best SAO has ever been

Ach ja, Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night is the newest animated entry in the Sword Art Online franchise&hell...

3240 Words | September 11, 2022

Zeta Gundam and Gender

Ach ja, my relationship with the mainline Gundam series is… strained. Conceptually, I’m really down for most of the t...

1547 Words | August 27, 2022

Love, Death & Robots Season 1 Overview

Ach ja, Love, Death & Robots is an anthology series of animated shorts loosely connected via the themes of love, death and rob...

4704 Words | July 24, 2022

Getting fit with Wii Fit: Month 6

Ach ja, half a year ago, I came to the conclusion that I need to get (Wii) fit and apparently I am still here and kicking. This po...

1667 Words | July 14, 2022

A (probably) way too harsh critique of Sakura Sadist

Ach ja, similar to Highschool Romance, Sakura Sadist is a visual novel I recorded with friends mostly for shits and giggles. Unlik...

1512 Words | June 12, 2022

Frame Interpolation is great. Don't use it to "improve" animation!

Ach ja, you probably all know that one annoying friend complaining about your TV settings, right?. You don’t? Well, allow me...

3482 Words | May 29, 2022

Live Action Attack on Titan and how not to approach an adaptation

Ach ja, I finally watched the two Live Action Attack on Titan movies. I say “finally”, but it was actually more morbid...

5490 Words | May 26, 2022

How Mage & Demon Queen nails its disasterXdisaster couple

Ach ja, a friend of mine recommended me Mage & Demon Queen and since I wanted to get into Manhwa Webcomics anyway at some poin...

1325 Words | May 13, 2022

Combatants Will Be Dispatched is a worse KonoSuba (and that is fine)

Ach ja, before even creating KonoSuba, Natsume Akatsuki apparently wrote the manuscript for Combatants Will Be Dispatched!, but ke...

1402 Words | May 8, 2022

Getting fit with Wii Fit: Month 3

Ach ja, it’s been three months since I started *in edgy mid-2000 narrator voice* getting fit (with Wii Fit). Yep, I kept at ...

2490 Words | April 14, 2022